It was not the first, but the second time in my life when I met a person that never told me „It is not possible” the moment I specified all my wishes related to a project.
About two years ago I found a producer of curtains – they were the first. And exactly when I was on the point of thinking it was an irrepetable experience, and that the only way I could feel the joy of working with some professionals would be to redecorate my house, I have come across Liviu Draghici from Netvibes Romania. And I remembered how much satisfaction, joy and relief can bring you the meeting with some people who really care about what they do, in the realms of your profession, and do not slow down, do not delay, or postpone, they even come with fabulous ideas, better than you could have ever imagined.
Our website,, which I had kept in a numb state of flouting for sometime, grew in one month as much as it had done the entire previous year. Literally. It is not a figure of speech. And if it is, anyway, it overlaps a reality verifiable in BRAT or SATI. Our ordeal to tame an unfriendly programme, that almost did not allow us to make changes on our own website, has transformed into the pleasure of working because, without knowing how, by a miracle, everything that seemed difficult has become easy to use for us.
And because I have felt the need to transfer my collaboration with Netvibes to the big league of happenings that start with <It was the first time when>, I loudly admit that I did something I have never done before. I asked for the permission to pay more than I was required because my gratitude was unlimited. I think it is useless to say that I was refused. You have already understood that my collaboration with Netvibes Romania has something strange and marvellous at the same time.
About two years ago I found a producer of curtains – they were the first. And exactly when I was on the point of thinking it was an irrepetable experience, and that the only way I could feel the joy of working with some professionals would be to redecorate my house, I have come across Liviu Draghici from Netvibes Romania. And I remembered how much satisfaction, joy and relief can bring you the meeting with some people who really care about what they do, in the realms of your profession, and do not slow down, do not delay, or postpone, they even come with fabulous ideas, better than you could have ever imagined.
Our website,, which I had kept in a numb state of flouting for sometime, grew in one month as much as it had done the entire previous year. Literally. It is not a figure of speech. And if it is, anyway, it overlaps a reality verifiable in BRAT or SATI. Our ordeal to tame an unfriendly programme, that almost did not allow us to make changes on our own website, has transformed into the pleasure of working because, without knowing how, by a miracle, everything that seemed difficult has become easy to use for us.
And because I have felt the need to transfer my collaboration with Netvibes to the big league of happenings that start with <It was the first time when>, I loudly admit that I did something I have never done before. I asked for the permission to pay more than I was required because my gratitude was unlimited. I think it is useless to say that I was refused. You have already understood that my collaboration with Netvibes Romania has something strange and marvellous at the same time.

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